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Martial Arts Australia has sponsored numerous clubs and events using membership subscriptions and its own company sponsorship / advertising revenue.

Of course we only select certain schools / events depending on the focus of the program / activity that is being run. We also allocate funds to national industry events / seminars so that all schools / instructors benefit. Like every organisation there is only a certain amount of funds to go around.

This is also a charity event to help raise awareness and funds for children disadvantaged by circumstances. We want school owners to work with the charities (their social workers / phycologists etc) in delivering new programs in their local community. Funds raised from the event combined with government funding allocated to the various charities is planned to be assigned to these programs.

This event will have a ripple effect on the martial arts industry showcasing the benefits of training and that school owners care enough about the community to help with new programs. The term 'help with new programs' means you will work at a reduced rate and or even run some for free. In return schools get free advertising and the opportunity to introduce new members to their school. More about this on the Kick Ass Site.

Martial Arts Australia also sponsors clubs / associations by giving the subsidised insurance rates and in some cases free policies.

Promoters can get us to film their event and subsidise their insurance costs along with offering free advertising.

Contact our office or drop us an email: 03 8601 1124 to see if you qualify.

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