

Martial Arts Assessment Panels Are Created To Appropriately Evaluate Instructors

Martial Arts Gradings - Rank Examinations

We have lots of requests from instructors wanting to undertake higher Dan gradings and we schedule them twice per year or as requested. We now work with a number of associations including the International Board of Kanchos (IBOK) and other instructors. This offers the ultimate degree of expertise on the Master Panel to assess you and give the process so much more credibility.

In the past our Founder Graham Slater and Regional Directors have flown interstate / overseas to coordinate grading panels and run seminars.
These days we do most gradings twice per year (face to face) and on demand via zoom meetings. We have enhanced the process and outcomes by working with the
International Board of Kanchos (IBOK) chaired Grant Bannister to make these gradings more creditable, accessible and prestigious event.

Our panel of masters take it as an honour, to observe and make comments of your performance and give feedback to enhance the candidate's personal development. At the successful completion of your presentation the masters will offer further support before issuing a certificate.
certificate is signed by the Masters will be a grade / rank that the panel feel you can confidently wear in your given art.

Contemplating a Martial Arts Grading?

Embarking on your next Dan grade in my opinion should be a very memorable occasion as one would have put in a lot of hard work and sacrifice to reach. That said, how you perform and who witnesses your presentation is of real importance. You want to give it everything you have irrespective of whether you pass or fail and you want to be acknowledged by people you respect and respect you for your courage.

What are international standards for wait times?

1st dan – 2nd dan = 2 years
2nd dan – 3rd dan = 3 years
3rd dan – 4th dan = 4 years
4th dan – 5th dan = 5 years
5th dan – 6th dan = 6 years
6th dan – 7th dan = 7 years
7th dan - 8th dan = 8 years

The grading process

The IMA / MAA Grading system has been based on the international karate timelines. Instructors can select a face to face process or an online one. Due to COVID virtually all gradings are now conducted via zoom meetings. The criteria of what is required can be requested upon application.

How much does each grade cost?

The face to face model costing model includes specialised training / mentoring and filming of the event with certificate presentation. If you pass the grading you can be sure you can wear the level achieved worldwide with pride knowing that you have been evaluated by the most experienced and creditable masters in the country.



# 1st dan = $250  (Issued in conjunction with club chief instructor)

# 2nd dan = $350 (all other grades can be performed on their own)
# 3rd dan = $450
# 4th dan = $550
# 5th dan = $650
# 6th dan = $750
# 7th dan = $850

# 8th dan = $950

Remote Gradings by video from any location, are at cheaper rates.


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