Our Founder

Graham Slater

Chairman / Founder of Martial Arts Australia

Insurance Broker

Graham has brokered insurance for 20+ years to help Martial Arts Clubs better understand their risks and to get the best deals.

TV Host - Producer

Graham has produced numerous tv programs, hosted a multitude of guests over the years on free to air, online channels and on DVD.

Martial Arts Teacher

Graham has run numerous schools / gyms over a 30+ year period, he now specialises in helping instructors become more successful.

Brief History of Graham Slater’s Martial Arts Training, Notable Achievements and his commercial experience.

 - Graham started his martial arts training in England in 1973 inspired by Bruce Lee and the need to defend against the ever increasing, violence by gang warfare on the streets of Liverpool, UK. He started by learning from books and soon tracked down a local Goju Karate school to train at. In 1975 he immigrated to Australia with his family and quickly found a Kyokushin Karate club to train at for the next 4 years. During that period, he trained 5 times per week Karate, Kickboxing and Ju Jitsu.

The Kyokushin club closed in 1979 and Graham moved to another club, Shotokai Karate (UK Harada Sensei style), where he achieved his black belt in 1981. He ended up taking over his instructor's school and started operating two branches teaching five days a week, whilst working full-time at a food distribution warehouse.

In 1982 Graham quit his day job to become an aerobics and gym instructor at a local gym. He moved his martial arts to the gym as well and was now operating full-time. This was a unique time for Graham because he increased his knowledge by studying in sports science, sales and marketing. This was a time of exceptional growth by having the opportunity to train / teach 6-7 hours per day.

As Graham was now running the Melbourne Shotokai on his own, he needed to keep developing his skills. Purely by chance, he connected with a Japanese Shotokai Karate group in country Victoria. From this relationship he was invited to join the
Australian team to visit Japan in 1983. He returned with his 2nd Dan under Sensei Yasuo Ikeda (Soyo Juku - Shotokai). Training in Japan was nothing like he had experienced before, but fortunately he had been preparing for 6 months in the lead up. His preparation included running up to 7 classes of aerobics and karate each day, along with his own gym workouts. In Japan training was one pace, flat out until you drop, then get up and so on. Normal training was once per day, but Graham was instructed by Sensei Ikeda, to attend all three sessions each day. LINKS TO GALLERIES  - MEDIA- TRAVEL - SHOTOKAI - ACTION STAR TV - ARNIE FESTIVAL - INSTRUCTOR GROUPS - INFLUENCERS-1

Graham started returning to Japan nearly every year or so until 1995. During that time, he also brought out Senseis to Australia from Japan and UK in between his trips. He achieved his 3rd Dan in 1986 and didn’t get another opportunity to grade under Ikeda Sensei as he passed away in the early 90s. Over the coming decade Graham took on a number of roles as Australian Coach and Australian Chief Instructor working with some 15 branches in Australia and clubs in UK. He also supported his travels by working three jobs in sales management, security assignments and teaching karate.

Craving a break from the intense pace he stepped out of full-time teaching in 1990 to a sales / marketing job for the next five years, but was still teaching three nights per week. In
1995 he returned to full-time teaching, but in a different capacity. He worked in the corporate sector running specialty seminars on fitness and self defence. As this type of teaching gave Graham more free time, he partnered up in a construction company for the next six years, installing commercial windows in shopfronts, factories and high-rise apartments. Through his success in this area financially, he was able to invest more into the IMA association and expand it reach and services. TV Media / Publishing / Graphic Design was something he found himself doing after meeting / working with the right people. Having a lot of natural ability in these areas and studying he was invited to join numerous projects, hence pioneering a number of ones too.

Graham Slater - Training / Media History through publications

Producers and Judges - Sydney


Arnold Sports Festival 2019

MAA Director - Graham Slater co-ordinated the Martial Arts Arena at the

Arnold Sports Festival in Melbourne 2019 with Glen Coxon & Tino Ceberano


IMA Instructor Seminars

The IKA / IMA Instructor Meetings / Seminars started in 1993 and were active

in several countries, helping to spread the welcoming spirit of sharing knowledge.


Travelling Gallery

Graham has trained and taught in 15 countries, some of them several times


More Magazine Articles

Graham has been featured in many in Australia

and international publications


Shotokai Karate Dojos England

Pictured here in England with his (Liverpool) students Chris & Phil Berry

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