
Contents Insurance - Martial Arts Clubs


A word from our Martial Arts Insurance Broker - If you have just leased a building for the next chapter in your martial arts journey, you can cover the contents for theft, water, fire damage of your facility for example.

This type of cover is related to as a Business Pack Insurance covering such elements as Property, Contents, Burglary, Glass Breakage, Burglary, Money on site / in transit, Machinery Breakdown, Business Interruption etc. When you put together one of these packages your broker will explain how each element works and you can decide whether they need to be included or not.

The insurance sector has been hit with multiple claims over the past few years from natural disasters and with the ever changing  and unpredictability of COVID. This has forced some insurers out of the sector altogether, with many making the choice to change to wordings, limits and excesses to minimise their exposures and costs. The result is what they call in the insurance industry, as a 'hard market' making premiums go up and the insurers are selective of what business they will write. With less insurers in a certain sector premiums, tend to go up because of less competition.

To reduce premiums, Martial Arts Instructors can just cover the mats, some equipment, security system and a computer, but  can also take out full cover that includes contents, property, glass breakage and business interruption if that solution fits their needs.

If you have a fire or you get water damage from a storm, your Business Stops. You are then challenged with how to clean up the mess and get operating again. The longer you are not operating the bigger the cost and slower the recovery. This interruption to your martial arts business, means students will not pay if they can't train and you of course don't get paid. 

There is insurance to cover the whole process including clean up costs, renting a temporary venue etc which comes under 'Business Interruption' and you can discuss your needs personally with a broker.


Our Preferred Broker - Martial Arts Australia Insurance Services

Martial Arts Australia Insurance Services Pty Ltd ABN: 31 632 785 329 Authorised Corporate Representative No: 001283262 

of United Insurance Group Pty Ltd ABN 31 131 564 522 AFSL 327131 who arrange the insurance and are not an insurer.

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